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How To Choose Phone Carrier: 6 Major Considerations

January 2, 2024

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Selecting the right phone carrier can be as crucial as choosing the phone itself. It's a decision that affects your daily communication, internet usage, and, not to forget, your wallet. With numerous carriers offering a variety of plans, the process can seem overwhelming. Fear not! We're here to break down the six major considerations to keep in mind when choosing your phone carrier.

6 Considerations When Choosing a Phone Carrier

1. Network Coverage and Quality

The most important factor is the carrier's network coverage. After all, even the fanciest phone is useless if you can't get a signal. Start by checking the coverage maps of different carriers for your area. But don't just stop there.

Ask friends or neighbors about their experiences with carriers' signal strength and call quality in your locale. Urban areas typically have strong coverage across most carriers, but rural or remote regions may have limited options. Also, consider if you travel frequently — you'll want a carrier that provides reliable service not just at home but in other places you frequent.

2. Data Plans and Speeds

Your data plan is a lifeline in today's connected world. Assess your data needs realistically. Are you a heavy streamer, or do you just need enough data for browsing and emails? Look beyond just the amount of data — consider the data speeds as well. Carriers offer different tiers of service, with 4G LTE and 5G being the fastest.

Read the fine print about data throttling or reduced speeds once you hit a certain limit. Some carriers offer “unlimited” plans but may slow down speeds after you consume a specific amount of data.

3. Cost and Contract Terms

No matter what they are choosing — a weed grinder or hiking clothes — pricing is a critical factor for most people. And there’s no reason why you shouldn’t consider it when looking for the right phone carrier. Compare the costs of plans across carriers, but be mindful of what's included in those costs. Some carriers might offer lower monthly rates but have hidden fees or higher charges for exceeding data limits.

Also, consider the contract length. Are you comfortable being tied to a long-term contract, or do you prefer the flexibility of a month-to-month plan? Be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. They often come with strings attached like lengthy contracts or steep cancellation fees.

4. Customer Service and Support

Good customer service can save you from many headaches down the line and this, again, is relevant not only to phone carriers. Research the carrier's reputation for customer service. Online reviews, social media, and word-of-mouth can provide insights into other customers' experiences.

Consider how the carrier handles customer issues. Do they have a responsive call center, helpful online support, or physical stores you can visit? Efficient and friendly customer service should be of great help if you encounter issues with your billing or need technical support.

5. Phone Selection and Compatibility

Some carriers offer a wide range of phone models, from the latest smartphones to basic feature phones. If you already have a phone, check if it’s compatible with the carrier’s network. Not all phones work on all networks due to different technologies used by carriers.

If you plan to buy a new phone, compare the deals and promotions offered by carriers. Some might offer significant discounts on phones when you sign up for a plan, but this could also mean a longer contract commitment.

6. Extra Features

Many carriers offer additional perks to sweeten the deal. These can include free subscriptions to streaming services, international roaming at no extra cost, or special family plan discounts. Consider which extras are valuable to you and which you're likely to use. While these shouldn’t be the sole deciding factor, they can be tie-breakers between two similar carriers.


Take your time to assess each factor based on your personal needs and usage habits. A carrier that’s perfect for one person might not be the best for another. Hopefully, you're now ready to make an informed decision and select the carrier that best fits your lifestyle and needs.


Can I keep my current phone number when switching carriers?

Yes, in most cases, you can keep your current phone number. This process is known as number porting. It's important to initiate the porting process before you cancel your old service.

What is the difference between postpaid and prepaid plans?

Postpaid plans typically involve a monthly bill based on your usage and often require a credit check. They may include unlimited data and the option to finance a phone as part of the plan. Prepaid plans, on the other hand, require you to pay upfront for a set amount of data and minutes. They offer more flexibility and control over spending but usually don't include phone financing.

How does international roaming work with different carriers?

International roaming policies vary widely among carriers. Some offer international roaming as part of their standard plans, while others charge additional fees. It's essential to check the roaming rates for the countries you plan to visit and consider purchasing a local SIM card if you're traveling for an extended period.

Are family plans a good option?

Family plans can be a cost-effective choice, especially if you have multiple people in your household needing a phone plan. They allow you to share a pool of data and minutes among several lines, often at a discounted rate compared to individual plans.

How important is 5G, and do I need a 5G plan?

5G offers faster data speeds and more reliable connections. However, its availability is still limited to certain areas. If you live in or frequently visit a place with 5G coverage and have a 5G-capable phone, a 5G plan can enhance your internet experience. Otherwise, a 4G LTE plan might be more cost-effective.

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All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one.
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your questions,

Does this phone service work everywhere?

Yep, we offer premium wireless service on the the nation’s largest and fastest 5G network. If you are in our dewi coverage areas, you’ll also get access to our decentralized phone network powered by the people which will give you even faster speeds and better coverage.

Is there a contract?

Nope, it’s pay as you go.

Is this prepaid?

Yeah! You put your card on file and prepay each month so that you never experience any disruption.

Does my phone need to be unlocked?

Yep, but it’s super easy to unlock your device as long as it’s paid off. Chat with us and a real human can help you here.

What if I want a new phone?

We have some recommendations on what we think you should get, from iPhones to Droids. Check out our list here which includes affordable places online to get a good deal.

What does decentralized wireless (DeWi) mean?

It means we are building a phone network that is powered by the people. Your neighbors put small radios on their roof and help extend the phone network to cover deadzones™ and get even faster speeds. Right now our DeWi network is available in Austin, but we’ll be expanding to other cities REALLY soon. Learn more about DeWi here.

How many SIMs will I be installing?

Great question. If you’re in Austin, TX, you’ll install 2 new SIMs. The REALLY nationwide SIM as your first SIM, which will give you voice / text & data on the nation’s largest and fastest 5G network powered by T-Mobile®.

Your 2nd SIM will give you access to the REALLY DeWi network in Austin, TX, which you’ll prioritize when available so that you get even faster speeds and better coverage.

Depending on your device, you may be able to install eSIMs via a QR code.

Can I keep my phone number?

Yep, we are powered by T-Mobile®, the nation’s largest and fastest 5G network. If you are in Austin, TX you’ll also get access to our decentralized phone network powered by the people which will give you even faster speeds and better coverage.

How much data do you get on the unlimited plan?

The plan is unlimited, but once you reach 20GB you may experience slower speeds depending on network usage.

How much hotspot data do you get on the unlimited plan?

You get 10GB of hotspot data per month, but can add more if you need to.

How do I add more data to my plan?

You can chat with us, text us, or login to your account to top off. It only takes a few seconds.

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